
Our company has been solid in safety since 2005. There have been zero instances in all aspects of any particular job. You get the benefit of experience that's been acquired year after year, job after job. 14+ years in safety.

OptiMAX exudes professionalism to get the job done from start to finish. The proprietary process for planning, tracking, and managing even the biggest project. We pinpoint how to deliver what your demands are.

We’re here to listen to your needs. Contact us today to get started. Your on Demand Service Solutions Company.​

Get The Job Done

OptiMAX offers a revolutionary method for the proper cleaning of Fin-Fan and compressor gas cooler washing. FIN SHARK TECHNOLOGIES includes a successful and more effective cleaning services that gives an extreme result!

What's more important than a deadline? Nothing.

"We like nothing more than to help our clients deliver the job when we say we will. We have a proven track record of making that happen, even under the most intense deadline pressure. Let us manage the details that trip up most big projects so that your fate is not with those who didn't plan for success." "YOUR ON DEMAND SERVICE SOLUTIONS COMPANY!"

-Dominique Sanchez-President.

​​                              CONTACT US TODAY(361) 883-5177 

24 HOUR SERVICE LINE: (361) 215-1976

RAV'S #400-208362