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RAV'S #400-208362


Plate heat exchangers, also known as plate and frame heat exchangers, are devices designed for efficient heat transfer between two fluids, without allowing them to mix. They consist of a series of metal plates, typically made of stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant materials, which are arranged in alternating patterns to create a large surface area for heat exchange.

These exchangers are commonly used in various industries and applications, including (but not limited to):

  • HVAC systems
  • Refrigeration
  • Chemical processing
  • Power generation
  • Food and beverage production

They are particularly advantageous in situations where high heat transfer rates and compact size are required.  

OptiMAX specializes in servicing and refurbishing plate heat exchangers, shell & tube heat exchangers, tanks, piping systems, and general skid work. We have expertise in refurbishing various types and brands of plate exchangers and skids, resulting in significant cost savings for our clients. OptiMAX is known for extending the lifespan and improving the performance of plate and frame heat exchangers, helping clients maximize their investments. We offer comprehensive services, including servicing and refurbishment, providing a cost-effective solution for enhancing the efficiency and functionality of plate heat exchangers and other equipment.